HSP Point offers the right information and resources for care professionals such as general practitioners!
General practitioners are a very important link for the health and well-being of highly sensitive individuals abbreviated HSP.
General practitioners have a signaling role to recognize HSP in adults, children and babies.
Over 20% of all adults and children have a form of high sensitivity! HSP is a character trait with many different characteristics and forms which is sometimes not really known to all healthcare professionals. As an HSPer, people are on average more sensitive to impressions and stimuli from the environment. The HSPer is more sensitive, among other things, for moods, body language of others, for light, sounds and smells. As a result, the HSPer is over-stimulated more quickly and likes to withdraw itself.
As a general practitioner, it is therefore necessary to know that even over the course of over-stimulation of the patient, medical and psychological complaints can arise. Unfortunately, HSP is regularly overlooked by health care, which is the source of the overstimulation and can cause physical and psychological problems.
That is why HSP needs extra attention to understand highly sensitive people and children. The right information is essential for the patient's health and well-being in order to deal with it properly and to prevent or limit complaints.
It is important that as a doctor you get insight into what is going on:
- Are the complaints if present due to overstimulation? Advice to have the patient do an HSP Test via HSP Point
- HSP Test provides an indication of whether the patient is highly sensitive or not
- If the patient is HSPer, acceptance is important and learning to deal with high sensitivity
- HSP information and support via HSP Tips & Tricks can be found at HSP Point
- HSP Tips & Tricks is for the patient with HSP to get better balance and strength.
- The HSP Tips & Tricks have a positive and natural effect and can run in parallel with a treatment advice from the general practitioner or psychologist.
A High Sensitive adult feels different and often has a lot of experience on the sensitive level and this can happen without placing the link with high sensitivity.
It is essential to recognize high sensitivity and acceptance by the patient himself, family and loved ones.
HSP also gives many beautiful features and everyone experiences it in its own way and form! It is often hereditary and therefore useful to do the HSP Test!
HSP people are creative, caring, compassionate, concentrated, hard working from feeling with good intentions, faster irregularities, quick insight and makes decisions. Notes small differences in nuance such as: colors, smells, atmosphere or situations and materials. From the heart and feeling one makes decisions and people often think about the deeper meaning of life. Processing situations and emotions on a deeper level more than the average person. There is also a strong connection with: animals and nature that gives peace. Impressions and stimuli are always in different ways and this we constantly and often unconsciously perceive through our senses. Two variants 1 internal: feelings and thoughts 2 external: flavors, smells, sounds, movements, colors, shapes, atmospheres.
Highly sensitive individuals need more time to process these impressions and stimuli than less sensitive people. It is necessary that the HSP recognizes the overstimulation and does not cross its boundary to prevent irritation or aggressive behavior. It helps to retreat and to process the impressions and stimuli and to come to oneself.
HSP Children are no different in forms and characteristics of high sensitivity as adults but it can be more severe. That is why it is important that parents get informed about High Sensitivity so that recognition and acceptance occurs.
High-sensitive children experience emotions more intensely, therefore it is important to be able to express positive and negative emotions towards parents, family and relatives in a safe environment. An HSP child that can not or can not express itself can lead to a negative self-image, less self-confidence and will in the long term be the cause of health complaints.
HSP Children process stimuli and impressions on a deeper level and quickly see details nuances, strong feelings of and atmosphere emotions in their immediate surroundings. They are caring, alert with a great sense of justice, which also makes them more stimulated and sad. Dreaming and fantasizing with a great empathy, creative, versatile, talented and full of ideas.
HSP children prefer to maintain their own pace and regularity, are perfectionist, have a fear of failure more often, so that they perform less and do not feel understood. Feeling different makes them more often bullied. The stimuli and impressions can take the upper hand and the child can become over-stimulated and irritated and full of emotions. Getting the child out of the situation is very good to create some peace and has a positive effect. The children learn and practice Tricks will also have a beneficial effect.
It is advisable that GP informs the highly sensitive child and parents that it is high-sensitivity so that in the interest of the HSP child, parents, caregiver, family, relatives, work and school there is clarity and acceptance.
For the general practitioner as Care Professionals, the category Care Support with the right information and resources is highly relevant to HSP Point to support person or child.
Use this website to highlight the highly sensitive person or child, the parents, fellow general practitioners, caregivers, psychologists, specialized doctors or specialists and care institutions so that they can also get informed.
HSP Point is working with science to develop an HSP Check for Care Professionals and wants to investigate these for validation and to implement this important check method in healthcare. Aim a quick recognition by the healthcare professional of high sensitivity in the patient. We also investigate which methods work well to get the patient back in their base for better wellbeing and indirectly less complaints for highly sensitive people, children and babies!
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