A child can be highly sensitive. As a parent it is therefore important to test this via the HSP Kids Test so that they know whether the child is actually highly sensitive. Learning to deal with this character trait can be done through HSP Kids Tips & Tricks. The goal should be to make the child as good and safe as possible and the acceptance of HSP in the child.
High sensitivity is often hereditary therefore it is also good if parents do an HSP test!
Children are no different in forms and characteristics of high sensitivity as adults, but it can be more severe for children. It is therefore important that parents are well informed about High Sensitivity so that recognition and acceptance occurs.
High-sensitive children experience emotions more intensely, so it is important to be able to express positive and negative emotions in a safe environment towards parents, family and loved ones. An HSP child that can not or can not express itself can lead to a negative self-image, less self-confidence and this will be the cause of health complaints in the long term.
HSP Children process stimuli and impressions on a deeper level and quickly see details, nuances and even a strong sense of the atmosphere and emotions of people in their immediate environment. They are caring and (self) aware, alert with a great sense of justice and are also moved faster. Dream and fantasize with a great empathy. They are creative, versatile, talented and have many ideas.
HSP children like to be alone at their own pace and need regularity. They are perfectionistic and often have a fear of failure, which means that they perform less and therefore do not feel understood. Because of this they often feel different and less valuable than average with the chance of being bullied. The stimuli and impressions can take the upper hand and the child can become overly irritated with emotions. To withdraw from an HSP Child is very good because it gives some peace and has a very positive effect.
Let the HSP child express his or her emotions and let it be sad, angry, happy and enthusiastic. To express in a safe and respectful way is important to have a safe home situation.
Being highly sensitive is a personal character. It needs extra attention to understand it and that is why information is essential for everyone's well-being to deal well with parents, carer, family, relatives and school
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